How to find products in your Amazon Seller Central account

Travis R.
Amazon seller & Software Founder

If you are new to selling on Amazon or even an experienced seller, you will inevitably need to go searching for your products in your Amazon Seller Central account.

The easiest way to do this is to navigate to Amazon Seller Central and hunt for it inside your inventory.

Once inside you will have several options to either narrow or broaden your search based on what you are looking for.

Amazon is always optimizing their seller portal (Seller Central) but currently the filter options are:

  • Recommendation
  • Inbound
  • Inventory Age
  • Storage Type
  • Product Condition
  • Incentive Type
  • Inventory Level.

These are valuable and long overdue filters that every seller and business needs to manage their inventory.


Be sure to determine if you are looking for an item in your Amazon FBA inventory or an item in your Merchant Fulfilled inventory. Amazon maintains two lists for you.

You won’t find Merchant Fulfilled items in your Amazon FBA inventory.

Let’s break down each filter category and see what we can find in each one.

Recommendation Filter

Seller Central recommendation suggestions

Create a Sponsored Products ad:

  • Identify keywords: Research top-performing keywords for your product using tools like Jungle Scout or Helium 10.
  • Set budget and bids: Start with a small budget and adjust based on performance. Use target bids for relevant keywords to maximize ad visibility.
  • Optimize ad group: Continuously monitor and refine your ad campaign. Analyze keywords, adjust bids, and test different ad copy variations.

Create an Outlet Deal:

  • Select eligible products: Choose slow-moving inventory, overstocked items, or products with high storage fees.
  • Set discount percentage: Offer a competitive discount to attract buyers without sacrificing profits.
  • Promote your deal: Announce the Outlet Deal on social media, email marketing, and within your listing description.

Create an Outlet Sale:

  • Bundle related products: Group complementary items to offer a discounted bundle and boost average order value.
  • Clearance sale: Offer deep discounts on older inventory to make room for new products and reduce storage costs.
  • Flash sale: Generate buzz with a limited-time sale to encourage quick purchases and inventory clearance.

Create a Removal Order:

  • Identify unprofitable inventory: Analyze sales data and storage fees to identify items impacting your bottom line.
  • Schedule removal: Choose a cost-effective removal option based on your needs and budget. Consider liquidation options for unsold goods.
  • Free up space and capital: Removing unwanted inventory frees up valuable storage space and reduces storage fees.

Create a Sale:

  • Target specific product categories or brands: Offer targeted discounts to clear excess inventory or boost sales in specific areas.
  • Flash sales or limited-time offers: Create urgency with limited-time discounts to encourage impulse purchases.
  • Seasonal promotions: Align your sale with holidays or seasonal trends for increased customer interest.

Edit Listing:

  • Optimize product title and description: Include relevant keywords, highlight product features, and address customer concerns.
  • Improve product images: Use high-quality, clear images showcasing the product from multiple angles.
  • A/B test listing variations: Test different titles, descriptions, and images to see which resonate best with customers.

Go to Fix Stranded Inventory:

  • Identify and resolve listing issues: Check for missing information, image errors, or category errors preventing product display.
  • Contact Amazon Seller Support: Seek assistance if unable to resolve issues on your own.
  • Ensure product visibility and sales: Fixing stranded inventory ensures your products are properly presented and available for purchase.

Improve Keywords:

  • Use Amazon Keyword Research Tool: Access free keyword suggestions and search volume data within Seller Central.
  • Utilize keyword research tools: Consider paid tools like Helium 10 or Jungle Scout for deeper insights and competitive analysis.
  • Target relevant keywords: Incorporate high-volume, low-competition keywords into your title, description, and backend keywords.

Lower Price:

  • Analyze competitor pricing: Research competitor prices and adjust your own to stay competitive.
  • Consider profit margins: Ensure price adjustments maintain profitability even with discounts.
  • Use dynamic pricing tools: Utilize automated pricing strategies to adjust prices based on real-time market conditions.

Restock Inventory:

  • Forecast future demand: Analyze sales trends and seasonal fluctuations to predict stock needs.
  • Order lead times: Factor in lead times to ensure timely restocking and avoid stockouts.
  • Prioritize high-performing items: Focus on restocking your best-sellers and products with consistent demand.

Inbound Inventory Filter

Inbound inventory seller central


  • Monitor progress: Track estimated arrival dates and proactively address any delays to avoid impacting listing availability.
  • Prepare for listing launch: Ensure product details, images, and keywords are optimized for immediate visibility upon arrival.
  • Schedule promotions: Consider launching targeted deals or promotions coinciding with product arrival to boost sales momentum.


  • Track shipments closely: Monitor carrier updates and proactively contact Amazon if shipments experience delays or disruptions.
  • Address potential issues: Be prepared to handle potential issues like damaged shipments or missing items upon arrival.
  • Optimize receiving process: Ensure proper documentation and labeling are in place for smooth and efficient receiving at Amazon fulfillment centers.


  • Review receiving reports: Monitor for discrepancies or errors in received quantities or product conditions.
  • Address receiving issues promptly: Contact Amazon immediately to resolve any discrepancies or errors to avoid listing delays or inaccuracies.
  • Prepare for listing activation: Ensure all product information is accurate and up-to-date for smooth listing activation upon completion of receiving.

Inventory Age Filter

seller central inventory age

0-60 Days:

  • Focus on launch and visibility: Ensure product listings are optimized with high-quality images, compelling descriptions, and relevant keywords.
  • Monitor performance: Track sales trends and customer reviews for early insights into product performance.
  • Consider promotions: Run targeted deals or flash sales to boost initial sales and gather valuable customer feedback.

61-90 Days:

  • Evaluate demand and profitability: Analyze sales data and profit margins to identify potential slow-moving products.
  • Optimize listings for long-tail keywords: Research and incorporate less-competitive keywords to attract niche buyers.
  • Consider bundling or cross-promotion: Pair slow-movers with complementary products to increase sales potential.

91-180 Days:

  • Implement clearance or outlet deals: Offer deeper discounts to move stagnant inventory and free up storage space.
  • Consider liquidation options: Evaluate cost-effectiveness of liquidating unsold products through third-party channels.
  • Analyze reasons for slow sales: Investigate product pricing, listing quality, or market competition to identify improvement areas.

181-330 Days:

  • Focus on removal and cost reduction: Prioritize removal orders to minimize storage fees and avoid long-term inventory costs.
  • Consider product refresh or upsell: Explore options like repackaging, adding features, or offering upgraded versions to revive interest.
  • Evaluate alternative uses: Explore donation or recycling options for obsolete or unprofitable inventory.

331-365 Days:

  • Intensify removal efforts: Negotiate lower removal fees or explore alternative disposal options to minimize losses.
  • Monitor competitor strategies: Learn from successful competitor tactics for managing long-term inventory.
  • Conduct product audits: Analyze product viability and consider discontinuing chronically slow-selling items.

365+ Days:

  • Prioritize urgent removal: Minimize storage fees and potential product damage by expediting removal orders.
  • Consider write-offs: Account for unsold inventory as a loss to avoid impacting financial reports.
  • Refine inventory forecasting: Implement improved forecasting methods to prevent future overstocking of slow-moving products.

Storage Type Filter

seller central storage type


  • Optimize listing details: Ensure dimensions and weight are accurate to avoid fulfillment errors and customer complaints.
  • Monitor storage fees: Analyze storage costs and adjust pricing or inventory levels to maintain profitability.
  • Explore alternative fulfillment options: Consider using FBM for high-value or fragile items to potentially reduce storage fees.
  • Review packaging: Optimize packaging to minimize unnecessary size and weight, potentially reducing storage costs.


  • Maximize FBA benefits: Leverage FBA’s fast shipping and Prime eligibility to boost visibility and sales.
  • Monitor restock levels: Maintain optimal inventory levels to avoid stockouts and lost sales without incurring excess storage fees.
  • Consider multi-pack options: Offer discounted bundles or multi-packs of standard-size products to increase average order value.
  • Utilize product bundling tools: Explore software or automation to streamline bundling processes for efficient inventory management.


  • Negotiate storage limits: Contact Amazon to discuss potential storage limit adjustments based on your sales volume and historical data.
  • Investigate alternative storage options: Explore off-site storage facilities or third-party fulfillment providers for cost-effective solutions.
  • Prioritize high-value items: Focus on maintaining inventory of your most profitable extra-large products to maximize return on storage investment.
  • Review product dimensions and weight: Analyze product design and packaging to identify potential areas for size or weight reduction, potentially minimizing storage costs.

Product Condition Filter

seller central product condition


  • Invest in high-quality listing photos: Showcase your product’s pristine condition with clear, well-lit images from multiple angles.
  • Highlight product features and benefits: Emphasize the advantages of buying new, like warranty coverage, latest features, and peace of mind.
  • Target relevant keywords: Use keywords like “brand new,” “unopened,” and “factory sealed” to attract buyers seeking fresh items.


  • Grade and describe condition accurately: Use standardized grading systems like “Like New,” “Very Good,” or “Good” to set buyer expectations.
  • Provide detailed photos of any flaws: Be transparent about any imperfections to avoid returns and negative feedback.
  • Offer competitive pricing: Consider depreciation and market value when setting prices for used items.


  • Research and highlight item’s rarity and value: Provide information about limited editions, vintage releases, or unique features that appeal to collectors.
  • Showcase item’s condition and authenticity: Include high-resolution photos, detailed descriptions, and certificates of authenticity if applicable.
  • Target collector communities: Advertise on relevant online forums, auction sites, or collector groups to reach the right audience.


  • Clearly communicate the refurbishment process: Explain how the product was restored and tested to ensure quality and performance.
  • Offer warranty or guarantee: Provide assurance to buyers with a warranty or guarantee to build trust and minimize returns.
  • Highlight the value proposition: Emphasize the cost savings and environmental benefits of buying refurbished products compared to new.


  • Ensure clear eligibility criteria: Specify membership requirements and product availability within your club program.
  • Offer exclusive benefits and discounts: Incentivize membership with special deals, early access to new products, or loyalty rewards.
  • Promote club benefits within your listings: Clearly mention club-exclusive features or discounts within your product descriptions.

Incentive Type Filter

seller central product incentive type filter

Incentive Available:

  • Research and evaluate available incentives: Understand the terms, benefits, and potential drawbacks of each incentive program (e.g., Deal, Lightning Deal, Bundle).
  • Identify eligible products: Analyze your inventory to find products that align with the specific criteria of each incentive.
  • Prioritize high-potential products: Focus on enrolling your best-sellers or products with high profit margins for maximum impact.
  • Prepare listing optimizations: Ensure listings are optimized with relevant keywords, compelling descriptions, and high-quality images to capitalize on increased visibility.

Incentive Enrolled:

  • Monitor performance and adjust strategies: Track sales, conversion rates, and customer feedback for enrolled products to evaluate effectiveness and make adjustments.
  • Promote enrolled products: Highlight participation in deals or promotions within your listings, social media, and email marketing.
  • Consider additional promotions: Layer on further discounts or bundle offers to incentivize purchases during the incentive period.
  • Optimize ad campaigns: Adjust your Sponsored Products ad bids and targeting to maximize reach and product discoverability during the incentive period.
  • Prepare for post-incentive period: Have a plan to adjust pricing, promotions, and ad campaigns after the incentive period ends to maintain momentum.

Inventory Level Filter

seller central inventory filter

Out of Stock:

  • Prioritize restocking: Place high-priority orders to avoid missed sales and potential customer dissatisfaction.
  • Analyze demand and adjust forecasts: Reevaluate sales data and adjust future forecasting to prevent future stockouts.
  • Consider alternative sourcing options: Explore faster delivery options or alternative suppliers to minimize stockout duration.
  • Communicate with customers: Inform affected customers about expected restock dates and offer alternative product options if available.

Low Stock:

  • Monitor sales closely: Track remaining inventory and sales data to anticipate potential stockouts and take proactive steps.
  • Increase reorder frequency: Adjust your reorder points to avoid reaching critical stock levels and maintain product availability.
  • Run targeted promotions: Consider flash sales or limited-time discounts to clear remaining low-stock products before potential stockouts.
  • Optimize ad campaigns: Adjust bids and targeting for low-stock products on Sponsored Products to increase visibility and drive sales before stock runs out.


  • Maintain optimal inventory levels: Analyze sales trends and lead times to ensure adequate stock without incurring unnecessary storage fees.
  • Focus on product optimization: Invest in high-quality listings, compelling descriptions, and relevant keywords to maintain product visibility and sales.
  • Monitor competitor strategies: Analyze competitor pricing and promotions for insights into market trends and potential areas for adjustments.
  • Prepare for seasonal fluctuations: Anticipate increased demand during peak seasons and adjust inventory levels and promotions accordingly.


  • Identify root causes: Analyze sales data and storage fees to understand why specific products are accumulating excess inventory.
  • Run clearance or outlet deals: Offer deep discounts or bundle excess products to incentivize sales and reduce storage costs.
  • Consider liquidating unsold inventory: Explore cost-effective options like Amazon Liquidation Services or third-party liquidation channels.
  • Adjust pricing strategies: Analyze competitor pricing and market conditions to determine if price adjustments could help move excess inventory.
  • Rethink product offerings:

Active vs Inactive Amazon products

Next you can search by active or inactive.

If you know the product you are searching for is LIVE and available for sale on the Amazon marketplace then be sure to toggle the ACTIVE radio button to search just for active inventory.

If you are looking for an item that already sold but need to update the listing ro perform other research than toggle the INACTIVE radio button

Search Bar

Once you’ve narrowed down your search scope you can now do the actual search.

Enter in the first 5-10 letters of your MSKU (Merchant SKU) into the search field and locate your product.

You can also locate your product by entering other search terms that are relevant to the product you are searching for.

Adding more data columns

Amazon Seller Central actually gives you a lot of data about your listings by default but if you want to know even more like:

Am I Buy Box eligible for this listing?
What is the sales rank of this product listing?

All you have to do is navigate to the preferences dropdown and select all that you need.

What if my product is missing?

If you know that you have listed your product into Seller Central from your listing application then there might be a problem.

If this happens the best thing to do is navigate over to your processing feeds and check to see why an item may not have even made it into your Amazon Seller Central account.

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